Navy Blue Ball Gown Tulle Embroidery Beading Quinceanera Dress

A$313.385, being the great digital store, always, receives appreciation due to two reasons, it takes the lead to organize the stunning and majestic dress having gorgeous design, the second reason is that presents the best solution of your wishes and desires in the form of presentation of the dresses. Like this time, they presented the best choice for us with the current trend of fashion and design. First, we talk regarding the color of the dress; the navy blue color is common in use to design the dressing of the ladies; it means that it is not new. The design above the fabric is gorgeous and presented as a new thing in the market, this looks beautiful, and people will come to it to view the dress.

Silhouette:ball gown
Hemline:floor length
Neckline:off the shoulder
Shown Color:navy blue
Sleeve Style:sleeveless
Back Style:lace up
Embellishment:embroidery beading
Built-in Bra: yes